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How to improve corporate communication to build brand reputation with a knowledge management system

corporate communication and knowledge management

As we have seen in previous articles (mistakes to avoid when building a Brand Reputation and valuing company Know-How), to build a solid Brand Reputation a company must take into account several factors, both internal and external, such as the working environment created by the spread of a shared corporate culture.

Improving the quality of work to improve brand reputation

Good internal and external communication can often have an impact on employee satisfaction: when you have tools that facilitate the exchange of information between staff or externally, with end customers, it makes it possible to work in an organised environment, where you have all the means you need to do your job. 

This image is also perceived externally, as the work of the staff is valued and supported by a shared and innovative corporate culture, thanks to the use of appropriate technologies. 

This value will be conveyed to consumers through corporate communication strategy and by contacting the Support and Customer Care services.

Corporate communication support: Helpdesk and Customer Service

To build a solid brand reputation, both the corporate culture (and how it is communicated to the outside world) and the relationships established with customers are essential, especially through Customer Care.

One of the fundamental characteristics of Customer Service and the Helpdesk is the rapidity in providing answers to users, but how can this be done when you receive thousands of requests every day and have to search through disorganised files and procedures? 

Both in the direct Customer Service contact and in the internal Helpdesk, the activities of searching for information and consulting procedures are the most time-consuming and increase the workload for all staff.

It is therefore essential to optimise external corporate communication channels. But earlier it is necessary to be certain to possess updated and effective support materials.

Having so many duplicate and chaotic documents is a waste of time and a risk of providing incorrect information. For this, Pigro has developed a feature that allows you to analyze the quality of the company knowledge base and identify any problems, providing suggestions for their resolution.

With Knowledge Insights you can find poorly structured, fragmented documentation, outdated versions, information not shared with the right figures, knowledge gaps, etc. to improve the Help Desk support.

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Using corporate Knowledge Management to speed up the search for information

In addition to ensuring the effectiveness of the supporting documentation, the implementation of an Enterprise Knowledge Management system facilitates the search for information within large databases, centralising knowledge and making documents searchable. 

It will not be necessary to waste time searching for answers or to continually disturb colleagues, risking leaving customers unsatisfied. A corporate Knowledge Management system based on artificial intelligence allows receiving the information sought in real time, asking questions as in real search engines.

Internal communication and sharing of tacit knowledge

Having information shared is a way of coordinating the work of different departments to speed up processes and ensure that everyone is aligned on procedures for carrying out tasks and solving problems. 

How often do you need to access the knowledge of other departments to complete a task, or you simply don't know the quickest way and try things out? 

Very often some knowledge derived from the experience of each employee (called tacit knowledge) in dealing with certain situations is not documented, or at least not shared and available for consultation.

Knowledge Management systems spread Knowledge Sharing

In these cases, it is useful to have tools such as Knowledge Management software, which allows the creation of knowledge bases where all business documentation can be collected. All best practices for carrying out particular procedures can be saved and shared with colleagues, eliminating the dispersion of valuable tacit knowledge

Implementing knowledge management (and fostering a corporate culture of sharing ideas and knowledge) is a way to foster communication between employees and between business divisions, such as in Sales and Marketing alignment.

Again, starting with an accurate analysis of the available documentation and the current situation (company roles, access to repositories, sharing permissions, content update level, etc.) can be useful to understand how to improve the exchange of information.

The goal is to make corporate know-how available to all and keep the knowledge base up-to-date.


Read also: How to impact Knowledge Sharing in enterprise companies?


Do you want to know more on Knowledge Management? Contact a Pigro expert for free!